Yellowhammer Vodka
Available in 750ml & 375ml Bottles
Our Vodka is crafted through an 18 plate distillation column, drop by drop, so that only the purest spirit is captured. After distillation, it is hand filtered and hand bottled
Yellowhammer Rum
Currently Unavailable
Our Rum is crafted with a blend of molasses and pure cane sugar to produce a smooth and sweet spirit perfect for classic cocktails or simply served over ice with lime.
Rebellion 95 Spirit
Available in 750ml Bottles
Rebellion 95 is a high-proof Specialty Spirit aged in freshly charred and toasted American white oak barrels. This spirit was crafted with the same recipe as our Rebellion Red Lager, giving it a rich flavor.
Gemini Bourbon Whiskey
Available in 750ml & 375ml Bottles
Our single barrel bourbon whiskey is distilled from a premium blend of corn and malts, then aged in freshly charred oak barrels. Each barrel has been carefully selected for its velvety smooth finish and complimentary notes of vanilla and cherry.
**You may notice sediment/particles settled at the bottom of your bottle. These are naturally occurring lipid compounds found in small batch spirits under 95 proof. The only way to remove them is through chill filtering which is purely cosmetic and sacrifices flavor. The particles can be dispersed by oscillating the bottle.
Mercury Single Malt Whiskey
Available in 750ml & 375ml Bottles
Single barrel, single malt. We consider this classic approach to be malt whiskey in its purest form. This whiskey is made from premium autumn-sown malt and aged in select, charred oak barrels. Each barrel has been carefully selected based on flavor and complexity.
**You may notice sediment/particles settled at the bottom of your bottle. These are naturally occurring lipid compounds found in small batch spirits under 95 proof. The only way to remove them is through chill filtering which is purely cosmetic and sacrifices flavor. The particles can be dispersed by oscillating the bottle.